How to join us

Prospective Undergraduate Students

We love having undergraduate students join the lab! You can find more information about undergraduate research experiences at UCR here. Kate also maintains a list of undergraduate students who are interested in our research. Members of the list are welcome to join our lab meetings, invited to occasional research activities, and are encouraged to apply to compensated research opportunities that arise in our lab. If you would like to be added to the list, please email Kate ( to introduce yourself. 

Prospective Graduate Students

We are not actively recruiting graduate students for Fall 2024.  However, if you are interested in joining the lab, please email Kate ( with a brief summary of your research interests in early November 2023. Applications to the UCR EEOB graduate program are due very early in 2024. 

Prospective Postdoctoral Reseachers

We are always looking for postdoctoral researchers to join the lab (start dates are flexible)! If you are interested, please email Kate ( with your CV and a short description of a potential research project. 

Banner photo: Clarkia collecting trip in southern CA. Photo by Kimmy Stanton.